Flat Cat

Flat Cat

I ran over a cat the other night, at least I think it was a cat. It was black and ran out into the road right under my car. It never made it across my path. It was a narrow street and I wasn’t going very fast but I didn’t even think to stop. There…

A Moment Of Peace

A Moment Of Peace

I had a moment of absolute quiet this past weekend. It was a bit surprising and while not unfamiliar, it had certainly been too long since I’d experienced it. I stopped doing what I was doing to savor it a bit. There was some sound but it was that of my body, mainly my breathing….

Leaving The Beach

Leaving The Beach

As I prepare myself to leave Southern California I have been giving much thought to the beach access I will be giving up. I like that I can literally have my feet in the ocean a mere 15 or 20 minutes after leaving my house. I went there the other night to begin the process…

To Flu Or Not To Flu

To Flu Or Not To Flu

During my recent scheduled visit to the doctor, she asked me if I wanted a flu shot. She didn’t recommend it exactly, she just asked if I wanted one. I had to think about it. I haven’t gotten one in years. I was of the “I don’t believe in them” way of thinking. I tended…