The Spring of A/C
I’ve been in Houston for two years now and have had my place for more than one. I’d never had central air before, not in a home of my own. I never needed it. Here it is a requirement and the electric bills have been higher than I have ever experienced. It finally cooled off in the winter. It even showed once. I stopped using the A/C and the electric bill plummeted. I’ve been wondering when I’d have to turn it back on. Now I know.
Sunday May 13th, I was home all day. The weather had definitely been warming up but I’d been getting by using ceiling fans only. Not this day. I woke up sweating even with the fan directly over me. According to the thermostat it was somewhere in the mid 8o’s. I refuse to bake in my own house. I’ll just have to get used to the high electric bill.