Going Back to Cali

Thinking About Returning

Going Back to CaliHouston has its charms, not the least of which is lower cost of living and no State income taxes. I have more house and yard for my money than I have ever had and am able to keep much more of my paycheck than ever before. There are other benefits but they are by far outweighed by the economic issues, so much so, that I can’t logically leave right now but I think, in time, I will.

Rather than harp on what I don’t like about this place, I’d rather speak to what I miss. I miss being able to walk to the store from my home. I miss the year round mild weather that enabled me to wear shorts and t-shirt any day of the week. I miss the open-mindedness of the people. I can’t say I’m in love with the Bible belt. In Southern California, you can be openly different and find a community of others who embrace that about you. You can more easily find people that bring to the table as much as they ask for and expect. I miss the comfort, the freedom the openness and the tolerance but I don’t miss what it costs economically to have that.

If I’m going to find my way back to Southern California, that life will have to be financed. It is incumbent on me to find a way to make that happen before I return so as of now and in the spirit of the New Year, I hereby declare my intention to return for at least some part of every year. I’m going back to Cali.

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